A) Profile of Company

  1. Vision, mission and details of permissible business activities
  2. Status of Company
  3. Company Registration Number and National Tax Number
  4. Address of Registered office, head office and all other branch offices
  5. Phone number (fax if available) of head office, registered office and branch offices
  6. Email address
  7. Detail of associated companies and their website links,

B) Governance

  1. Profile of the Board of Directors
  2. Pattern of Shareholding
  3. Name of Auditor of the company
  4. Name of Legal Advisors

C) Investor Relations

  1. Online form/contact details of person designated for assisting and handling investor grievances (including website link of SECP’s investor complaint section)
  2. Notices of general meetings, election of directors, dividend/bonus declarations and right issue
  3. Site map
  4. Search facility

D) Media

  1. National/International Awards,recognition,if any
  2. Membership of industry associations and trade bodies. if any
  3. Any other announcement or clarification issued by the company
  4. Latest Date of Updating website: 28th February 2025

E) Election of Directors

  1. Notice of Election of Directors
  2. Following information specifically pertaining to election of Directors and shall be available as per the time line given below:
    a) Proxies, in number and value, deposited by each candidate as and when submitted ( on the event of election of directors)
    b) Detailed profile of candidates contesting the election along with their office address shall be available on website seven days prior to the date of election
    c) 21 days prior to the date of election (will be uploaded on the event of election of directors)
    i) Proxy forms
    ii) List of shareholders and their addresses accessible by candidate intending to contest election (protected by password issued by Company or personalized login mechanism) (will be uploaded on the event of election of directors)

F) Investor Information

  1. Symbol of the company assigned by respective Stock Exchange and website links of stock exchanges where the company is listed
  2. Financial Reports
  3. Financial Highlights
  4. Interim account i.e., latest available accounts as well as for the last three quarters
  5. As per the latest available yearly financial statements: Earning per share,P/E ratio and breakup value
  6. Name and address of share registrar
  7. Free Float of the shares of Company
  8. Rating of Company and instrument (Not applicable)